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[특강, 5월 14일] Using Corpora in Language Teaching - Dr. Michael Barlow (Rice University)

2003.04.30조회수 4220

연사: Dr. Michael Barlow (Dept. of Linguistics, Rice University)
제목: Using Corpora in Language Teaching
일시: 5월 14일(수) 17:00
장소: 도서관 3층

== 연사 소개 ==

Michael Barlow
Assistant Professor
Department of Linguistics
Rice University

Email: barlow@rice.edu
* Ph.D. Linguistics (1988) Stanford University
* M.Sc. (1973) Salford University
* B.Sc. (1972) Liverpool University

Scholarly Areas:
Corpus Linguistics, Technology and Second Language Acquisition, Humanities Computing

Selected Publications
Michael Barlow, ParaConc: Concordance software for multilingual parallel corpora, Language Resources for Translation Work and Research, (2002): 20-24.

Michael Barlow, Words and Constructions, Proceedings SICOLC 2000, (2000): 25-43.

Michael Barlow, Corpus Linguistics: A Usage-Based Approach to Language, Proceedings SICOLC 2000, (2000): 7-24.

Michael Barlow, Review: Learner English on Computer, Language Learning and Technology, (2000).

S. Kemmer and M. Barlow, Introduction: A Usage-Based Conception of Language, In Usage Based Models of Language, (2000): 7-28.

Michael Barlow, Usage, Blends and Grammar, In Usage-Based Models of Language, (2000): 315-345.

Michael Barlow, Parallel Texts in Language Teaching., Multilingual Corpora in Teaching and Research., Chapter 8, In Botley, S. P., T. McEnery, and A. Wilson (eds). Rodopi Press., (2000).

Michael Barlow, Agreement as a Discourse Phenomenon, Folia Linguistica, XXXIII/2 (1999): 187-210.

Michael Barlow, MonoConc 1.5 and ParaConc, International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 4(1) (1999): 319-327.

Michael Barlow and Claire Bartlett, Web-based Placement Tests, Orbis Linguae. Center for the Study of Languages, (1999).

Michael Barlow , Investigating Form and Meaning Using Parallel Corpora, TELRI. Proceedings of the Third European Seminar on Translation, (1998): 13-28.

Michael Barlow, Feature Mismatches and Anaphora Resolution, New Approaches to Discourse Anaphora University Centre for Computer Corpus Research on Language. Technical Papers , 11 (1998): 34-42.

Michael Barlow, Being Digital, Orbis Linguae, 1 (1998): 1.

Michael Barlow and Suzanne Kemmer (eds), Usage-Based Models of Language, CSLI, Stanford (2000), pp. 347.

Michael Barlow, A Situated Theory of Agreement, Garland, New York (1992), pp. 328. Garland Outstanding Dissertations in Linguistics Series.

Michael Barlow and Charles A. Ferguson (eds.), Agreement in Natural Language: Approaches, Theories, Descriptions, Center for the Study of Language and Information, , Stanford (1988).

Michael Barlow, Working With Computers: Computer Orientation for Foreign Students, Athelstan , Stanford (1987), pp. 302.

C. Tribble and M. Barlow (eds), Language Learning and Technology. 5, 3. Special Issue: Using Corpora in Language Teaching and Learning., , http://llt.msu.edu, (September 2001). 203pp

Michael Barlow, MonoConc Pro 2.0, Software: text analysis program, Athelstan Publications, (2000).

Corpus of Spoken Professional Corpus of American English, Corpus, Houston: Athelstan Publications, 2000. New version published with part-of-speech tags

MonoConc Pro, Concordance software, (1999).
Michael Barlow, MonoConc 1.5, Software (Concordance program) and Manual, Athelstan: Houston, (1998. ). Original version published in 1996.

Michael Barlow, Corpus of Spoken Professional American English, CD-ROM and supporting materials, Athelstan: Houston, (1988).


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