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[초청 강연] ELT Materials Development: Reading and Listening Materials - Clyde Fowle (Macmillan)

2002.09.26조회수 4774

초청 강연 안내

일시: 2002. 10. 7 (월) 15:00-17:00

장소: 본교 강당(B1)

강사: Clyde Fowle (Macmillan)

주제: ELT Materials Development: Reading and Listening Materials

Clyde Fowle is an ELT Consultant/Trainer for Macmillan East Asia based in Thailand. He has substantial experience as both a teacher and teacher trainer in the region and has published several articles in the field of ELT.

* 본 강연의 내용은 교재 개발 과정 전반에 관한 것으로 Macmillian 한국 지사의 협조로 갖게됩니다


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