2016.05.16 2528
<2016 Successful Candidates for the 1st screening>
Dept. of ELT
111001 | 111009 | 111017 | 111025 | 111033 |
111002 | 111010 | 111018 | 111026 | 111034 |
111003 | 111011 | 111019 | 111027 | 111035 |
111004 | 111012 | 111020 | 111028 | 111036 |
111005 | 111013 | 111021 | 111029 | 111037 |
111006 | 111014 | 111022 | 111030 | 111038 |
111007 | 111015 | 111023 | 111031 | 111039 |
111008 | 111016 | 111024 | 111032 | 111040 |
When: Saturday, May 21 (Please check the attached file for your interview time)
Venue : Main Building
Exam: there will be two interviews by IGSE professors.
Dept. of ELT Materials Development
121001 | 121005 | 121009 | 121013 |
121002 | 121006 | 121010 | 121014 |
121003 | 121007 | 121011 | 121015 |
121004 | 121008 | 121012 | 121016 |
When: Sunday, May 22 (Please check the attached file for your interview time)
Venue: Main Building
Exam: there will be two interviews by IGSE professors.
* Make sure which group you are in and check the arrival time at IGSE. Please refer to the Excel file attached and arrive on time.
* Make sure to bring your passport or Alien's Registration card.
* You cannot change the date. However, you may change your interview time only if you are working on your interview day or residing outside Kyounggi-do. If you want to change the time, please call at 02) 6477-5141 by 17:00pm, May 19(Thu).