국제영어대학원대학교 로고

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국제언어대학원대학교 재학생 및 졸업생, 연구원과 교수의 학업활동을 소개합니다.

학생 학술 활동
번호 구분 제목 행사년도
794 Thesis/Project

Developing Authentic Task-based OPIc Materials for Adult Learners

12기 조인영(JO, Inyoung /12th wave)

793 Thesis/Project

Effects of Repetition and Involvement Load of Vocabulary Activities on EFL Secondary Students' Vocab

12기 정지영(JEONG, Jiyoung /12th wave)

792 Thesis/Project

Developing Task-based English Speaking Materials for Korean Kindergartners Based on Nuri Curriculum

12기 이희정(LEE, Hee-Jung /12th wave)

791 Thesis/Project

Developing English Reading Materials For Korean Elementary School Students To Foster Reading Skills

12기 서하나(SEO, Hana /12th wave)

790 Thesis/Project

Codified Korean English in Secondary School Textbooks: Materials Analysis and Levels of Awareness by

12기 서정아(SEO, Jung-A Lina /12th wave)

789 Thesis/Project

Developing ELT Materials for Children's Bible Study in Korea

12기 김태원(KIM, Tae-Won /12th wave)

788 Thesis/Project

Developing an English Picture Storybook with Creative Activities for Korean 1st and 2nd Graders at E

12기 김지은(KIM, Ji-Eun /12th wave)

787 Thesis/Project

Developing Genre-based Writing Materials for Korean Elementary School Students, with a Focus on Gram

12기 곽빛나(KWAK, Bit-Na /12th wave)

786 Thesis/Project

마음두뇌교육을 기반으로 한 발음 연계 학습이 한국 고등학생의 영어 어휘 기억에 미치는 영향

12기 강승연(KANG, Seung-yon /12th wave)

785 Thesis/Project

The Development of Discussion-Based Speaking Materials for Korean EFL University Students

JONES, Luke Daniel/12th wave

처음 이전 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 다음 끝
국제영어대학원대학교 로고
(우편번호 05407) 서울특별시 강동구 양재대로 81길 89(성내동), 대표전화 : 02-6477-5114,
입시문의 TEL : 080-804-0505(수신자부담), academics@igse.ac.kr
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