국제영어대학원대학교 로고

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국제언어대학원대학교 재학생 및 졸업생, 연구원과 교수의 학업활동을 소개합니다.

학생 학술 활동
번호 구분 제목 행사년도
682 Presentation

Developing a Supplementary Material for a Reading Class Using an English Novel by Applying the Text-

12기 손소영 (SOHN, So Young/12th wave)

681 Presentation

Verbal Protocal Analysis on EFL College Learners’ Test-taking Strategies for Gap-filling Questions

12기 남유경 (NAM, Yookyung/12th wave)

680 Presentation

Learner-as-Researcher Approach based on Pragmatics and Role-play

12기 유윤정 (YOO, Yoon Jung/12th wave)

679 Presentation

Developing of Reading Portfolio Using Children Literature in English Classroom

12기 정지원 (JUNG, Jiwon / 12th wave)

678 Thesis/Project

Developing Text-driven Materials for Encouraging Spoken Interaction in Korean Adolescent Students

11기 윤슬기 (YUN, Seul-ki / 11th wave)

677 Thesis/Project

Action Research on English Dictionary User Training for Korean Elementary School Students

11기 전가영 (JEON Ga-young / 11th wave)

676 Thesis/Project

The Effects of Semantic Clustering in EFL Young Learners' Vocabulary Acquisition

11기 장희진 (JANG, Hee-Jin / 11th wave)

675 Thesis/Project

Developing a Grammar Book Contextualized in a Variety of Types of Texts Relating to Jobs for Korean

11기 장주옥 (JHANG, Ju-Ok / 11th wave)

674 Thesis/Project

Developing Material for English Phrasal Verb Acquisition

11기 이유진 (LEE, Youjin / 11th wave)

673 Thesis/Project

Identity-Based Foreign Language Anxiety in an EFL Context: An Exploratory Interview Study

11기 윤세미 (YOON, Se-Mi / 11th wave)

처음 이전 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 다음 끝
국제영어대학원대학교 로고
(우편번호 05407) 서울특별시 강동구 양재대로 81길 89(성내동), 대표전화 : 02-6477-5114,
입시문의 TEL : 080-804-0505(수신자부담), academics@igse.ac.kr
Copyright International Graduate School of Language Education(IGSE), All Rights Reserved.
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