국제영어대학원대학교 로고

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국제언어대학원대학교 재학생 및 졸업생, 연구원과 교수의 학업활동을 소개합니다.

학생 학술 활동
번호 구분 제목 행사년도
582 Ariticle

L1 influence on L2 collocational knowledge: By level of receptive vocabulary knowledge and general l

9기 김경민 / Kim Kyoung-Min 9th wave

581 Ariticle

The effectiveness of genre-based L2 writing instruction on Korean middle school students' writing ab

9기 배혜정 / Bae, Hye Jeong 9th wave

580 Ariticle

Effects of semantic relationedness on EFL vocabulary recall and retention

9기 박신영 / Bak, Shinyoung 9th wave

579 Presentation

Developing Self-study Materials of English Dictation to Improve Communication Skills of Korean EFL

9기 황희선 / Hwang HeeSun 9th wave

578 Presentation

English Presentation Skills for Biology Researchers: From Needs Analysis to Curriculum Development

10기 이정화 / Lee Junghwa 10th wave

577 Presentation

Developing Task-Based Speaking Materials for English Conversation Study Groups

9기 김연경 / Kim Yeonkyung 9th wave

576 Presentation

A Study of an English Weekend Program

10기 조수현 / Cho Suhyun 10th wave

575 Presentation

A Comparison of Graduate School Students' Use of 'Make' with other EFL Learners Using Learner Corpor

10기 방수진&이정민 / Bang Sujin & Lee Jungmin 10th wave

574 Presentation

Developing an ELT Program of English News Article Writing for High School Students

10기 나혜진 / Na Hyejin 10th wave

573 Presentation

Development of an Extensive Reading Program as a Module in Middle School

10기 김수린 / Kim Surin 10th wave

처음 이전 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 다음 끝
국제영어대학원대학교 로고
(우편번호 05407) 서울특별시 강동구 양재대로 81길 89(성내동), 대표전화 : 02-6477-5114,
입시문의 TEL : 080-804-0505(수신자부담), academics@igse.ac.kr
Copyright International Graduate School of Language Education(IGSE), All Rights Reserved.
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