국제영어대학원대학교 로고

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국제언어대학원대학교 재학생 및 졸업생, 연구원과 교수의 학업활동을 소개합니다.

학생 학술 활동
번호 구분 제목 행사년도
442 Presentation

Developing Online Activity Guide for English Teachers

8기 이민경(Lee, Minkyoung / 8th Wave)

441 Presentation

Developing an ELT Curriculum for Young Learners in Child Welfare Centers

8기 이영은, 전주연, 최민석(Lee, Youngeun / Jeon, Jooyoun / Choi, Minseok / 8th Wave)

440 Presentation

Korean English Teacher's Motivation to Teach and TEE

5기 전미연(Jun, Miyeon / 5th Wave)

439 Presentation

English Education for Students with Special Needs in Elementary School

7기 박강아(Park, Kanga / 7th Wave)

438 Presentation

Academic Writing by Using Academic Corpus

8기 이민경, 최민석, 홍정선(Lee, Minkyoung / Choi, Minseok / Hong, Jungsun / 8th Wave)

437 Presentation

Korean English Teachers' Perceptions toward Using Concept Check Questions in Grammar Instruction

7기 신현경(Shin, Hyunkyoung / 7th Wave)

436 Presentation

Learning Teacher Training: Curriculum Development and Improvement

2기 김정훈(Kim, Junghoon / 2nd Wave)

435 Presentation

Developing Grammatical Concept-building Materials for High School Students

8기 이종직(Lee, Jongjik / 8th Wave)

434 Presentation

Teaching English for Elementary School Students with Special Needs

7기 박강아(Park, Kanga / 7th Wave)

433 Presentation

Building and Using Academic Corpus: The Contribution of Corpus to Writing a Thesis

8기 이민경, 이진호, 이종직, 최민석(Lee, Minkyoung / Lee, Jinho / Lee, Jongjik / Choi, Minseok / 8th Wave)

처음 이전51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 다음 끝
국제영어대학원대학교 로고
(우편번호 05407) 서울특별시 강동구 양재대로 81길 89(성내동), 대표전화 : 02-6477-5114,
입시문의 TEL : 080-804-0505(수신자부담), academics@igse.ac.kr
Copyright International Graduate School of Language Education(IGSE), All Rights Reserved.
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